- The Half Marathoner
- @Terrell Johnsonfrom Substack
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- 简介
- 半程马拉松选手始于 2015 年,是一份致力于跑步的时事通讯,探索跑步帮助我们找到意义的方式。
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- Hearing your stories: Erinn Connor
- Evening/afternoon, friends! ☀️ You may remember a few weeks ago, when I put out a call to share your stories about how you became a runner and where running has taken you. Last week, we heard from Rosalie Chan, and today we’re meeting another longtime THM reader, Erinn Connor.I’m (still!) loving reading each and every one of your stories, and I’ll be sharing more of them over the coming days and weeks. Some will be in written format like this, while others will be in audio/video. So, stay tuned!
- A Leap of Faith
- All this week, a story has been bouncing around in the back of my mind, one I’ve been wanting to share with you since I heard it while sitting in church with my family this past Sunday.The church we attend (most? some? much? of the time) is a relatively small one just up the road from our house; it doesn’t feel little when you’re inside, but it’s easy to miss if you’re driving past it.The story came in a sermon told by our parish priest, who loves to sprinkle literary and intellectual references
- 'Challenge Accepted'
- Before we get started, I know I haven’t been in your inbox for a little while, so I wanted to say thank you for giving me the grace to take some time off. I spent last week with my family visiting the museums and monuments in Washington, D.C., and will have more to share on it soon!Getting back in the saddle, by the way, takes a little adjustment — I haven’t written in a couple of weeks, so I feel a little like a newly-born foal that’s trying to figure out how to stand on its legs again… so if I
- I'd like to hear your stories
- A couple of years ago, I worked with a writing coach¹ on some fiction I was working on at the time, who shared with me a lesson about storytelling that has stayed with me ever since.After going over a draft I’d written, he walked me through it as a fresh reader would, pointing out how I was falling victim to a common temptation of many beginning writers without even realizing it.Even though I couldn’t see my mistake at first, with his help I did — I was jumping with both feet into my story right