• The Half Marathoner
  • The Half Marathoner
  • @Terrell Johnsonfrom Substack
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  • 半程马拉松选手始于 2015 年,是一份致力于跑步的时事通讯,探索跑步帮助我们找到意义的方式。
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  • People Get Ready
  • “There’s something really powerful about groups and shared experiences. People might be skeptical about their ability to change if they’re by themselves, but a group will convince them to suspend disbelief. A community creates belief.”— Charles Duhigg, The Power of HabitI love, love, love this quotation by Duhigg, a former New York Times reporter and the author of last year’s Supercommunicators, because for me it gets at the heart of why it can be so difficult to sustain a running habit all by y
  • Wishing you the happiest of holidays
  • Subscribe + save 30%Morning, friends! ☀️I truly, honestly can’t believe we’re already at the 20th of December — can it really be real that there are just 11 days left in the year? I feel like we just got to 2024, right? Don’t you?That it is, of course, means it’s time for us to power down and take a break for the holidays. Don’t worry, though — I’ll be back in your inboxes on the first of the year, which is always my favorite issue, to get us up and going again, motivated to run in the new year.
  • Taking time for paradise
  • The Savannah River near Augusta, Ga., as seen from a nearby canal levee.Over the weekend, I took a 7-mile-long walk along the Augusta Canal near my parents’ home, in the city where I was born and grew up. I was in town to get together with my mom, dad and sister — my (original? first?) family — for the occasion of my mother’s 81st birthday.Most of the time, when I’m coming home for a visit I bring along with me my wife and one or both of our kids — at the very least, my son tags along with me wh
  • Our December running challenge
  • Rabbit, rabbit! 🐇🐇(For those of you to whom this might seem odd, it’s a little tradition I picked up from a friend of mine years ago, as a way of wishing good luck on the first day of the month.)If you’re feeling a little sluggish after the Thanksgiving holiday (like me!), then it might be the perfect time to give ourselves a running goal as we close out the year — and purely because it’s a nice round number that feels ambitious, I’m going to aim for 100 miles by the last day of December.If th