- Colorado Running & Living
- @Sarah Lavender Smithfrom Substack
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- 作者参加了 100 多次超跑和马拉松比赛,周刊以个人随笔为特色,提供有关越野跑、山地生活和中年勇气的实用建议。
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- What Makes a Good Race
- Guess what? I have something celebratory to share. I’m taking a pause from doom and gloom in this week’s shorty post.Cruising toward a finish line last Saturday with faster splits in the final miles. Photo by the event photographer Aktiva Sport.Last Saturday in Moab, I had a good race. But what does that mean? It’s not like I raced in any way close to resembling our town’s phenom Lindsay Allison, who stood out in a highly competitive field to earn a second-place finish at the Big Alta 50K held t
- Run to Remember, Not Forget
- As I get back to training post injury, rebuilding a base of 40-to-50-mile weeks with strength and mobility sessions in the mix, I challenge myself not to take the injury-free healthy feeling for granted.Don’t forget, I tell myself, how desperate I felt from November to January when I could not walk without pain and limping. Don’t lose the joy, I also remind myself, that comes from being able to act like an athlete again in the company others, as I did two weeks ago at that running camp or last F
- On the Comeback Trail
- Welcome back. Today I have a story about a running-camp experience and also a training update two months ahead of a 50-miler and four months ahead of the Hardrock Hundred. Later today (Wednesday, March 12) I’m meeting online for a chat with paid subscribers. Please upgrade your subscription to the supporter level if you’d like to be a part of it!In every direction, white snow contrasted with red rock and blue sky. Snow fell from juniper and manzanita branches with a soft plopping sound while run
- The Voice of the Sport's Past and Future
- Welcome back. Last weekend, I published this bonus post about the place that shaped me and my earliest memory from there. If you’d like to receive occasional bonus posts, an invitation to the monthly online meetup, and my deep gratitude for supporting my writing, please consider upgrading your subscription to the paid level. You also can earn a complimentary paid subscription by referring others to this newsletter. Thanks for reading!Refer a friendThis week’s post is a quickie, because I’m scram